Has Google Flipped the Switch?

Has Google Flipped the Switch?


September 10th marked the start of Google's full integration into first-price auction. Over the course of last week, STAQ heard that some publishers have been fully transitioned, while others are anticipating their switch. Given that Google is moving, in full, to first-price auction in September, we decided to see what effect this has had on AdX CPMs.



Looking at CPMs across all publishers, we see little to no variance; AdX CPMs are trending as expected for this time of year and mirror a similar trend seen in 2018 during this time period.

The highest negative variation from August to September was over Labor Day weekend, where we observed a 6% decrease in CPMs for AdX and all other partners (excluding AdX). Following this holiday dip, it appears that business is back to normal.

For the week of September 9th (September 9th to September 13th)

  • AdX CPMs were $1.27, up from $1.22; an increase of 4% week over week.

  • All other partners (excluding AdX) saw an average CPM of $1.47, up from $1.42; an increase of 3% week over week.

Today, no news is good news, as it seems that Google has been making sure that their major transition is as non-disruptive as possible. That being said, it is far too soon to make sweeping conclusions on the long term effects of Google's switch. STAQ will continue monitoring our data as the transition to first-price auction comes to a close over the next few weeks.

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Week At A Glance


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* The data in this email compares programmatic industry performance, across US, open market inventory only, running through STAQ systems for January 2018 - September, 2019.