The Clocks Have Changed, Maybe Q4 Will Start Soon

Are We There Yet? Q4 to One Month into Q4

  • Comparing the first month of Q4 2019 to that of last year, we’ve observed that revenue increased by a modest 1%, impressions decreased by 5%, and CPMs increased by 6%.

  • The number of partners producing over $100K in October decreased from 28 to 25 YoY.

  • The average number of partners per publisher increased from 14 to 15 YoY.

  • There are six fewer days between Thanksgiving and New Year's.

A Modest Shift to Private

  • Open Auction experienced a revenue decrease YoY while Private and Programmatic Guaranteed experienced revenue increases.

  • Open Auction's revenue share thus fell by 6%, while Private and Programmatic Guaranteed both gained an additional 2% of revenue share. The remainder fell into "Not Available".

YoY Revenue Share by Partner


Big Changes in October 

  • AppNexus snagged 4% additional revenue share, while Rubicon gained by 2%.

  • AdX’s revenue share decreased by 3% and Amazon’s by 2%. AdX could be seeing an impact from their recent changes, but Amazon is surprising given their historical growth

  • AdX, AppNexus, and Rubicon delivered the highest revenues respectively in October 2019. This is a change from October 2018, where AdX, AppNexus, and Index Exchange delivered the highest revenues.

Biggest Revenue Winners YoY

  • Interestingly, of the partners that experienced revenue growth, most were mid-range to small partners.

  • TripleLift saw an 89% increase YoY

  • AppNexus saw a 43% increase YoY

  • Teads saw a 54% increase YoY

Only a Few Creative Sizes Stood Out


The 300x250 experienced a revenue decrease YoY across all devices, but magnified on desktop which is a trend we expect to continue.

  • As expected the 320x50 grew in line with Mobile.

  • Video/Overlay gained 4% additional revenue share, while 728x90 saw a 2% decrease.

A Quick Thanks And A Note On The Data
Our data has gotten stronger this year thanks to partners like AdX, Index Exchange, OpenX, and Criteo who have made significant investments in providing a wider dataset and higher levels of transparency. It is important to note that Facebook has been removed from this YoY view as they provide a lookback window of only 180 days and we have added many new Publishers in the past year.

Next up: A deep dive into CPMs.

Month At A Glance
