Time to Ring the Cash Register

Takeaways from Last Holiday Season


In order to prepare for the 3 highest revenue days of the year, we took a look back on 2018’s holiday season.

Cyber Monday was the highest revenue day of 2018; Tuesday (the day after Cyber Monday) was the second highest; and Black Friday was the third.

  • Cyber Monday 2018 experienced a 13% higher revenue than Black Friday, but slightly lower CPMs.

  • Comparing 2018’s average CPM and average daily revenue to that of Black Friday and Cyber Monday we saw:

    • Black Friday delivered a 65% revenue increase over the average and a 48% CPM increase.

    • Cyber Monday registered an 86% revenue increase over the average and a 46% CPM increase.

  • So far in 2019, we’re seeing a positive trend in CPMs and are hoping to see CPMs reach 40% above the 2019 daily average on Black Friday.

  • Following Black Friday and Cyber Monday, revenue and CPMs declined in December but remained well above average until a few days before Christmas, when revenue and CPMs dropped steeply. This drop continued through New Year's.

    • We’ll likely see a similar drop this year. However, with Cyber Monday falling on December 2nd, the decline in revenue and CPMs will begin later this year.

Week At A Glance
